Annual Calendar
1st Feb to 28th Feb: Sustainable Living Festival
14th Feb: Valentine’s Day
16th Feb - 4th Mar: Chinese New Year
22nd Feb: World Thinking Day
1 Mar: World Book Day
4 Mar: Clean Up Australia Day
17 Mar to 25 Mar: Cultural Diversity Week
17 Mar: St Patrick’s Day
20 Mar: International Day of Happiness
21 Mar: Harmony Day
22 Mar: World Water Day
24 Mar: Earth Hour
30 Mar to 2 Apr: Easter
2 Apr: International Children’s Book Day
12 Apr to 23 Apr: Nature Play Week
14 Apr: Baisakhi – Sikh (Harvest Festival of North India)
21 Apr: Kindergarten Day
22 Apr: Earth Day
25 Apr: Anzac Day
29 April to 6 May: Australian Dance Week
4 May: Play Outside Day
5 May: Japanese Children’s Day
6 May: Starlight Day
13 May: Mother’s Day
15 May: International Day of Families
15 May to 21 May: National Families Week
26 May: National Sorry Day
3 Jun: Mabo Day
5 Jun: World Environment Day
8 Jun: World Oceans Day
11 Jun to 16 Jun: Infant Mental Health Awareness Week
15 Jun: Global Wind Day
20 Jun: World Refugee Day
27 Jun: National Sunnies Day
30 Jun: Red Nose Day
8 Jul to 15 Jul: NAIDOC Week
11 Jul: World Population Day
15 Jul: Asalha Puja Day
21 Jul: National Pyjama Day
30 Jul: Int’l Friendship Day
TBC: National Literacy & Numeracy Week
3 Aug: Genes 4 jeans
4 Aug: National Aboriginal & Torres Islander Children’s Day
6 Aug to 12 Aug: Dental Health Week
9 Aug: Int’l Day of the World’s Indigenous People
12 Aug to 18 Aug: Keep Australia Beautiful Week
18 Aug to 24 Aug: Children’s Book Week
2 Sep: Father’s Day
5 Sep: Early childhood educators day
2 Sep to 8 Sep: Child Protection Week
8 Sep: Int’l Literacy Day
13 Sep: R U OK? Day
16 Sep: Sustainable House Day
4 Oct: World Animal Day
4 Oct to 10 Oct: World Space Week
5 Oct: World Smile Day
15 Oct: Global Hand Washing Day
15 Oct to 21 Oct: National Nutrition Week
16 Oct: World Food Day
22 Oct to 28 Oct: Children’s Week
25 Oct: Haloween
6 Nov: Melbourne Cup Day
7 Nov: Hindu-Diwali Festival of Lights
11 Nov: Remembrance Day
10 Nov to 17 Nov: Australian Food Safety Week
12 Nov to 18 Nov: National Recycling Week
13 Nov: World Kindness Day
2 - 10: Chanukkah
10 Dec: Human Rights Day
18 Dec: Int’l Migrants Day
XMAS Party & Graduation concert
25 Dec: Christmas Day
26 Dec: Boxing Day