Our Philosophy
Chatswood Early Centre - Magnolia Cottage is a vibrant and happy learning community where children, families and educators work together to provide the best foundation for each child’s wellbeing and learning. We are a staff committed to the value of collaboration, learning and relationships with children, families and the community. We acknowledge the value of play and its relationship to learning and are inspired by Vygotsky’s constructivist theories about how children learn through social interaction[ ZPD] and hands-on experiences. Our educational programs value the creative arts and connect with elements of significant philosophies and theories in early education, including the REA (Reggio Emilia Approach) and Howard Gardener’s multiple intelligences. Our image of children is being full of potential, competent, creative, capable and knowledgeable. They are connected to and in relationship with others, co-constructing meaning together, sharing their knowledge, interests and ideas, and bringing their own unique diversity and richness into our centre community We are guided by children’s ideas and interests in learning, allowing an emerging program to develop Our program is supported with intentionally created educational learning experiences for children that are in harmony with achieving the outcomes in Early Years Learning Framework We scaffold children’s learning and development through play. Our educators and teachers are ongoing participants in reflective practice in early childhood education where we understand contemporary perspectives on enhancing early childhood development. We are believers that our children develop a connection to the world through “Belonging, Being and Becoming” and try to live by the ethos
"Nothing without Joy “ Loris Malaguzzi